Tuesday, December 15, 2009

To Act or Not to Act

There are two possible routes decision making can take. We can choose to act or not to act. Sometimes inhibiting behavior is more difficult than initiating it. However, we are continually bombarded by social messages that we should act and not hold back. There is a difference between inhibiting behavior and holding back. This is similar to the common misunderstanding that people have between being assertive and aggressive.

Everything has a time and a place. There are times when we should act and there are times when we should inhibit behavior. It all depends on appropriateness. Determining what is appropriate takes a certain level of maturity.

So, inhibiting behavior is not the same as holding back. You need to consider the situation, the possible consequences, and what is appropriate given all the information you have. Then, if you decide not to act, it isn't holding back. The same approach should be used when we do decide to act. The net result is that our actions (and inactions) will get better results. Our actions will reflect a more responsible thought process.

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